Hello everyone! Today, it is my pleasure to bring you Joe Dombrowski, otherwise known as Mr. D, to discuss the revolution in education, and how and why you need to be a part of it. 

Mr. D rose to fame after his video pranking his students went viral, and Ellen brought him on her show. Since then, he has spoken all around the world, is a featured speaker at Get Your Teach On, and he’s the most aggravated ranter against Mother Nature I’ve ever heard. 

If you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen my series of videos about what I see as the next NECESSITY in education. Mainly, that teachers and educators of all positions need to be branding themselves online via social media. This theory of mine has been fueled by watching the revolution happening in education on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, but it’s also something that hits home in a variety of ways for me personally, as I see how much I can help my own students by becoming a bigger brand. The more people I reach, the more I can help my students and local community.

Throughout the episode, Joe repeatedly demonstrates why you need to be on social media and networking with other teachers. He talks about how his online community has served as his “digital PLC,” how it allows his teaching to cross boarders, how he’s been able to fund his classroom, and how it quite truly changed his life forever.

Joe doesn’t think EVERY teacher needs to be a social media personality or brand, but he does think every teacher needs to be on and connecting with other teachers.

Personally, I feel a little more strongly than Mr. D about why teachers should be branding their own style, personality, and classroom. I speak strongly about doing it, and I think if you want to be relevant or make a difference in education in the coming years, it’s a must. Though, I understand why many people don’t want to. To each his own, I suppose, but I imagine most of my audience sees why they need to be out there and showing their work to others…

There is no better place to learn, adapt, engage, and help others than to be on social media and networking with other educators. If you truly want to be where the action is, and be a part of the revolution in education, then you need to be on social media, branding yourself, and rising to the new levels great educators all over the world are already setting for the rest of us.

I could go on and on about why you should be on social media, and how you could be using it to fundamentally change your classroom, school, and life forever, but I’ll let Mr. D do that.


Don’t forget to subscribe and review the show on iTunes! 

PS: Make sure to check out The Mr. Dombrowski First Year Teacher Scholarship, which provides support to new, title 1 educators by stocking up their classroom with the funds and supplies they need to provide exceptional instruction to their students. As a fundraising effort, they have partnered with BookCameo which allows him to give you a personalized shout out!

Check it out!